Friday, November 14, 2008

Protests Tomorrow in Favor of Equal Marriage Rights

In case any of my readers don't know, there is a national day of protests tomorrow against California's now-passed Proposition 8 (which removed civil marriage rights from gay and lesbian Californians). While the protests are aimed at specifically Prop 8 specifically, they are also (at least I presume) in favor of equal marriage rights for all citizens, straight and gay, in all states. The protests are meant to be simultaneous, taking place at 10:30 a.m. on the west coast and 1:30 p.m. on the east (and others as appropriate.*)

For me, as for many others, my happiness at last week's election was severely tempered by the terrible news about proposition eight. I am glad there will be an opportunity to voice continued commitment to equal rights on a national scale.

Note for any Ithaca readers: there is a local protest here, 1:30 p.m. on the Commons. (Web site here; facebook page here.) I plan (bli neder) to be there. Everyone else can find the protest in your area on this web site here.

Just watching the developing reaction to Prop 8 online (largely on these three blogs, although I'd love to hear about others; please leave them in comments (update: two more)) has been extraordinary. It's already been called a turning point in the gay rights movement equivalent to Stonewall or the founding of Act Up. For myself, I keep thinking about the renewed and expanded energy that took hold of the Civil Rights Movement in the early months of 1960 when the sit-in movement spread virally through the South from city to city (soon formalized with the reaction of SNCC). Whatever analogy you wish to use, this is, I believe (and have believed for a long time) the Civil Rights Movement of our day. Tomorrow is a day to stand up and be counted on the side of equality and justice.

I'll be there. I hope you will too.

*Poor Hawaii got stuck with 8:30 a.m. Ugh.

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