Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Brilliant Ad, and a Missed Opportunity

So for those of you who (like me) did not watch the superbowl, and who (like me) are a child of the 80s, this (extended version of a) superbowl commercial is highly, highly recommended:


But I really can't believe they didn't work in the quote "It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up." I mean, that was a total !@#$%ing gimme. According to this site, the licence plate reads "SOCHOIC" in honor of that. But it's really totally insufficient. You had to have the man say it. How could they not? (Were they scared of the implications of "if you have the means"? I hope not -- it's just so pathetic -- but I can't think of any other reason...)

(The article at that link, by the way, spells out all the references for anyone who might need a refresher.)

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